If you name Mount Kailash as the Gem of Nature, you will 犀利士 be belittling its importance. This symmetrical peak stands majestically at the height of 21778 feet in the southwest corner of Tibet. Its azure sky reflects through the water of 樂威壯 ansarovar”>日本藤素 Mansarovar and Rakshastal lakes. These water-bodies are gracing the feet of this diamond-shaped mountain. The Hindus regard the peak of this mountain as the Lingam of Lord Shiva and the Mansarovar Lake to be the yoni of God’s love. The holy trinity of Mount Kailash, Mansarovar Lake and Rakshastal forms the epicenter of religious believes for Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bons.
Resting Place for Lord Shiva
This significance of this peak is immeasurable in Hinduism. In all Hindu Mythologies, this place is regarded as the home of Lord Shiva, the transformer of universal cosmic functions.
This mountain is believed to have four faces as per Hindu Puranas. Each face symbolizes one particular gem – ruby, gold, crys威而鋼 威而鋼 style=”font-size:0px; color:#ff0000;”>犀利士 >tal and lapis lazuli. Y犀利士 ou will find this mountain to be resting in the center of six different mountain ranges. This arrangement forms the symbol of lotu犀利士 s. This lotus is represe威而鋼 “>犀利士 ntative of purity and divine beauty in Hinduism.
Fortress of Buddha Shakyamuni
The Buddha Shakyamuni is the deity with four faces and twelve hands. She is also known as Chakrasamvara, the deity of supreme bliss. The tantric practitioners of Buddhism regard Mount Kailash as the fortress of this deity. This peak is also their symbol of pride. The Tantric Buddhism is believed to have conquered indigenous Bon religion in this place.
高仿Cucci Legends say that champions of these two faiths, Milarepa and Naro-Bon-Chung, raced to this peak to prove the superiority of their respective faiths. Milarepa won through his acquired meditational powers and established Tantric Buddh犀利士 ism in this place.
Pearls of Spiritual Knowledge
The devotees of Bon religion regard this mountain as the Nine-Story Swastika. They regard this entire mystical region to be the Seat of Spiritual Power.
Thonpa Shenrab Miwo is regarded as the founder of Bon religion. According to犀利士 Bon mythology, he descended from heaven on this peak and scattered his pearls of spiritual knowledge. Nine orders of Bon schools were established near this peak. The Bons believe that Thonpa Shenrab Miwo made prediction o必利勁 >犀利士 f this establishment.
Rishabhadeva’s Enlightenment
In Jainism, Rishabhadeva is regarded as the first of its 24 tirthankaras. Jains believe that Rishabhadeva attained liberation from Cycle of Karma on Kailash Parvat. This mountain is regarded sacred in Jainism due to this reason. Sadhguru has described the experience of this Jain savior.
Rishabhadeva is believed to have come here to attain knowledge. He was intending to preach this wisdom. His decision seemed to have changed after his arrival. He was bemused by the greatness of this mountain, and decided to merge with this sacred elevation.
These legends show that Kailash Mountain has tied four different religions on the 必利勁 single string of spiritualism. On Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, thousands of people visit this mountain either to attain spiritual enlightening or to avail peace. The magical 108 trips round the peak are believed to wash the sins of mortal souls away. The Hindus and Buddhists circulate this mountain clockwise. Jains and Bons circulate this mountain anti-clockwise.
Are you planning for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra? Here is Nidhi Tours and Travels schedule for Kailash Yatra 2021.